BMW Sport and Racing Motorcycles

AMOL Precision
The name AMOL Precision is synonymous with BMW motorcycle racing in the United States. Not to be confused with AMAL, the British maker of carburetors and levers, AMOL Precision was a machine shop and motorcycle shop in Dumont, New Jersey that operated for well over half a century and during that time successfully campaigned BMW motorcycles at races up and down the East Coast, Canada and Europe.
AMOL is the legacy of Oscar Liebmann, his wife Melanie and their family. A German born and trained machinist, Oscar immigrated to the United States in 1928, not long after completing his apprenticeship at the Carl Zeiss Institute in Jena, Germany. Once stateside, Oscar worked at various machine shops in and around New York and New Jersey, before eventually striking out on his own. As the dust of World War II was settling, Oscar and a business partner Alfred Matzner formed AMOL Precision Corporation. The year was 1946. The name AMOL coming from the initials of the two principles, AM and OL. However the collaboration was short lived as Mr. Matzner died prematurely and rather suddenly, less than a month into the start of the business. Oscar and his wife subsequently purchased the Matzner’s interest in the venture from Alfred’s widow. However the letterhead had been ordered and the name AMOL stuck. The machine shop, and later motorcycle business, continued under the AMOL moniker for the ensuing six decades.
After the death of Oscar Liebmann in 1983, the elder son Richard assumed day to day oversight of the AMOL motorcycle shop, while Kurt managed the machine shop. AMOL continued as a motorcycle dealership until 2005 when the doors were closed for the last time. Richard Liebmann passed away in May 2009.